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Services We Offer

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Graduation Handshake

Road 2 Graduation (R2G)
 Serving Middle Schools & Highschools 

(R2G) High School initiative establishes the critical foundation and partnership with schools struggling to meet the statewide minimum 65% graduation rate. On average, partnering schools implementing the R2G program are projected to achieve over an 80% graduation rate in the first three years. We welcome all NYC High schools into our program including those who already achieve over 65%. The goal is to get all NYC schools above 90%.

We are Now, Happy to announce that we are serving Middle Schools!!!



(R2H initiative )provides in-school services during the school day when school is in session.


Schools are struggling due to the lack of staffing, blended learning support and lack of social and emotional support students need to navigate through middle school due to the following :

  • Teachers are not able to provide the level of attention that students need.

  • Parents are not able to work full-time jobs and monitor students are on track with their grades.


R2H Provides educational support to students on the road to high school. Support consists of:

  • in-school monitoring

  •  daily hand-holding and acting on behalf of parent & students in need

  •  R2H is an alternative to suspensions or the need for schools to involve ACS in School matters.

The LES Team alongside the school’s cabinet create an individualized plan unique to each student to ensure graduation to high school success.

Road 2 Dropout Prevention

L.E.S locates missing students on the schools cohort. Once found we work toward returning them to school and or place them in an alternative school or trade program. Discoveries have shown , some students are relocated in other states or countries and attending other schools already. There have been cases where a student has received a GED and we work to obtain that documentation in order to remove them off the schools cohort. Some students relocated and although they are not attending school they want to be in school but don’t have the tools to do so, we then assist them with finding a school wherever they are locate. While often times we find students who are not doing anything and are uninterested in school and we encourage them to allow us to help them obtain their GED. In rare cases students are found and returned to their existing schools to complete their high school diploma. We work with the families by finding a placement suitable for their child no matter the circumstance.

University Student


Supports overage and under-  credited scholars who attend school daily but will not meet graduation requirements  before they age out. In this case, LES works with families to find a different educational setting in order to graduate. 

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NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene ( DHMH)

Mental Health Services for Vulnerable Populations (MHSVP)

Brothers Thrive / Sisters Thrive Initiative 

Our Social & Emotional Learning Impact (SEL Impact) program focuses on bridging gaps between school administrations, teachers, parents, students and the community. Through this collaboration, we merge the home and school environments to identify the social and emotional factors that play a role in a student’s success or failure. LES’ success is in its ability to identify and reveal the root causes of hindrances to students trying to complete school. With the execution of our ROAD 2 Model; Removing Obstacles and Achieving Dreams, we have been able to serve, guide and prepare students through their own self-efficacy, for life beyond the classroom, beyond unemployment and beyond the “neighborhood”.


LES, assist students and their families living with mental health conditions through innovative and person-centered integrated treatment, such as individual and groups counseling, and other support services. LES strives to stand outside the “programmatic” approach to education. Instead, we emphasize the importance of the student.


LES work diligently to personalize our approaches by enhancing students’ educational journey, helping students reach their goals and aspirations in a way that is meaningful and empowering.

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Laptop Writing

Covid 19 Academic Approach

We at (LES) understood how challenging the remote environment was going to be and have been utilizing what would normally be an “in school approach “remotely and now blended to support students and their families in school, through our Road 2 graduation program. “Road” meaning Removing Obstacles Achieving Dreams 2 Graduation.

Our Program is Available for Quarantined students  virtually 

We tackle the obstacles interfering with the student’s success and give them the support needed to graduate and have the confidence to seek college degrees and/or jobs post high school.

Benefits of our programs

We give families the undivided individual support needed to help their child achieve promotion and or graduation

Scholars are provided with alternatives to DROPPING OUT of school

Families are provided alternatives to ACS 

Families are provided alternatives to SUSPENSION

We are a Crisis unit that specializes in Non  pedagogical intervention services

We help schools who have low graduation rates and high dropout rates reach their highest potential

We help schools impacted by COVID 19 get back on track

We identify and meet the unique needs of each at –risk scholar

We cater more to the scholar’s  and families individual needs academically, social & emotionally

We work to help scholars be successful in their familiar school environment

We work to ensure 100% Graduation of At-Risk Scholars struggling to meet graduation requirements

We support communities with finding resources to help better the life of their scholars

Request Service

Interested schools should submit the following info from the current year.

Request Service
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